Thursday, December 16, 2010

Danny Carbo: Diversified Style

Danny Carbo appeared in my blog last month for a video post/music preview I did, and I am blogging about him again this month to review his music because his album is nearly finished! I recorded Carbo performing three of his original songs with his friend Jonathan Freeland so that you can hear his music before it even makes it to iTunes. Think of it as my Christmas present to you :)

First up is "Not Even Me," a fierce, bluesy track that warns its audience of the vulnerability created by trusting others. Carbo belts out the song's cynical lyrics while an angry chord progression gives the song even more attitude. Carbo's vocal range soars in this song, making the lyrics impossible to ignore. The musical intensity of "Not Even Me" will not only cause you to sing along but to also question those around you.

"When Ya Gonna Get It" is a B.B. King-esque jam with sleazy-sounding guitar riffs that propel the song to blues greatness. Carbo varies the style of his singing with this song to express the frustration and impatience felt with the fool he describes in the lyrics. The seductive, drawn-out chords of the guitar pair perfectly with the aching heart heard in Carbo's voice. His passion for blues is definitely showcased in "What Ya Gonna Get It."

Lastly, "Lovesick Lullaby" might be the cutest song of 2010. It consists of gentle guitar chords blended with Carbo's sassy belting and love-drunk lyrics. Its melody is reminiscent of a 1960s bubblegum pop tune with a dash of updated blues. This song is my favorite from Carbo because it flawlessly showcases his incredible song-writing talent. From start to finish, the song sounds complete, polished and precise.

Danny Carbo's music mixes pop, blues and rock to create an ear-pleasing fusion that is his unmistakable, diversified style. I will definitely be posting about him again in the future when the album goes to iTunes. Until then, I encourage you to keep jamming to these videos so you can be his biggest fan even before his music makes it to the masses.

Thank you for reading. Shuffle on.


  1. EXCELLENT! This is so exciting!!! "Not Even Me" was my favorite. I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for him on iTunes!

  2. I am loving your enthusiasm! We should have a listening party when the album comes out =)
